Monday, July 29, 2013

Standing still is hard

I've been watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix (So far, a really good show). The theme song, You've Got Time, by Regina Spektor, has a line that jumped out at me: "taking steps is easy, standing still is hard."

For the last few years I've been operating under the credo "keep moving forward." For all intents and purposes, this is a wonderful way to lead your life. It keeps you focused on goals and always working towards something. As a creative, it's really easy to get wrapped up in this.

It's also really easy to lose perspective. You get so consumed by creating work and meeting deadlines that you forget about the very thing that allows you to produce your work: imagination. In order to produce good work, your imagination needs to be fed and well cared for. It needs to be stimulated. By cranking out ads, re-sizes and meeting every deadline that's thrown at you, you forget all about what it takes to be creative. You stifle your imagination and become complacent. 

It is easy to take steps. To move forward. But, it can become mindless and automated. Being still is "unproductive." Too quiet. Uncomfortable. Yet, being still should be a step you take often in your journey onward and upward. It allows you to regain perspective, gather your thoughts and obtain some clarity. It allows you to care for your greatest asset -- your self.

Orange is the new black. And I propose that standing still is the new moving forward.

Friday, July 26, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about play lately. I read this article a few months ago on Design Observer and it took me back to my days as an unemployed skateboarder.

I didn't have a care in the world. I took cans from grandma's house to the recycling center for gas and cigarette money. My friends and I would drive around every day looking for new spots — places to skateboard.

For me this photograph exemplifies the creativity of a skateboarder. We take the mundane and turn it into something useful. Something beautiful.

Skateboarders also need to posses the same fearlessness depicted here. They need to imagine a good outcome and make it happen. These children weren't thinking about falling. They weren't thinking about broken bones. And, they certainly weren't thinking about health insurance or how much a visit to the doctor would cost should they fall to their peril.

That's not what our imaginations are meant for. Our playfulness should give us freedom. It should let us fly. Not tie us down. It's easy as "adults" to let that happen though. And the results are tragic.

Not only does this lessen our quality of life, but it also limits our potential. Potential to learn, contribute, build, love, grow...

So I challenge you. This weekend, do something daring. Something creative. Take a risk and see how it makes you feel. Don't lose sight of your playfulness. It's what makes us human.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

First post

My first post. I've tried my hand at blogging before and always fizzled out. I will try my best to not let that happen this time.

I'll write a lot about design. A little about hiking. Some about skateboarding. And, about anything else that seems important enough to share. Hope you enjoy.